Parent Portal – How to Share Form Responses

Users can share their submitted Custom Form responses with another user which is linked to their selected child(ren).

To share Custom Form responses:

  1. Log into My School Portal as a user.
  2. Click My Account Page.
  3. Click Sharing.
  4. Click Share information with another user. The Data Sharing window appears.
  5. Type a valid email address of another user who is linked to their child(ren).
  6. Use the Custom Form Submissions toggle for each child to turn on sharing responses.
  7. Click Confirm.
  8. The recipient needs to accept the share request. The submission will appear in the list of active shares.
  9. When the recipient log in, either they will see that a submission has been made. Click the green icon. A pop up will confirm that the form has already been completed, by whom and on what date.
  10. Click the email address of the sharer. This will open a new tab, allowing the user to see the completed, submitted form responses.
  11. Alternatively, they can click to complete and submit the form pack as a stand-alone submission and access the shared form responses.