Parent Portal – How to find the School Calendar

Once you have logged into the portal, you will to loaded into the dashboard and you can find the School Calendar link at the bottom right (see image below)

The calendar can also be found under the tab School Information is a link to the School Calendar. From here, parents can filter the calendar so they only see events or activities that are relevant to their child’s year group. When on the calendar itself, on the top right hand side is a Filter button.

We recommend you de-select everything and then just select Heatherton (under Schools) and select the relevant year group or groups. By then clicking Close Filter, your view will be reduced down to whatever you need to see. It will automatically default to Week View but you can view by day, week or month.

One other useful element to the calendar is the ability for parents to sync it to their own device. On the bottom left hand side, please see the Calendar Sync button where it will offer you the ability to sync the whole calendar (Berkhamsted Schools Group) or just your filtered selection.

The calendar is updated regularly and any alterations will be reflected if your own calendar is synced to it.