Parent Portal – Absence Reporting and Leave of Absence


To confirm which form (Absence Notification or Leave of Absence) should be used, please see below a guide as to what form you should use and when.

All absences or requests for absence should be made through the Parent Portal as follows:

The Absence Notification form should be used when reporting a child’s absence as a result of sickness.

Where possible, these forms should be submitted before 09:00 on any given day of sickness. Please remember to include details of the nature of the sickness and not just the terms ‘sick’, ‘ill’ or ‘poorly’.

The Leave of Absence Request form should be used when requesting a child be absent due to:

– medical appointments– examinations– school open days/taster days– family holidays or special occasions taking place during term time.

With regards family holidays and special occasions, substantiating wording submitted under the ‘Comment’ section should be in the form of a request and not a statement of intent.